Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dear Matt,

We miss you so much.  And we cannot wait for you to come home! Isaiah is getting so big.  He looks just like his daddy (except for his blonde fuzz head-he gets that from mommy).  Words he says now include: Mommy, Mathew, Barb, Maw maw, Pappy, Papa, Dixie, Liberty, Jackie, Luke, Maggie, Maddie, hi, bye, cookie, Mason, baby, paci (pacifier), drink, juice, ball, play, fall, sit, stay, no (probably his favorite), go, church, Jesus, truck, teeth, nose, toes, walk, night-night, cracker, bath, moon, moo, ruff, dog, Sal-Sal (Sally), home, phone, spoon (sometimes), eat, and Daddy. I'm sure there are tons more words in his vocabulary, but either I can't think of them or can't understand them yet. One of his favorite things to do is to sing "Jesus Loves Me".  His rendition of this song goes something like this: "Jesus... Jeeeeesuuussss... Jesus... Jesus..." He also likes to pray. He says "amen" at the end of the prayer, or if you're praying too long, he says "amen" right in the middle.  We pray for you every morning. Mommy prays for you all the time.  Isaiah has also gotten into the habit of coming to get you to play with him. If I am washing dishes, he comes over to the sink and grabs my shirt and pulls me to the living room. At least he thinks he's pulling me. Really I am just following him because I love him so much!  He loves his work bench.  He hammers everything with his hammer. He also likes his blocks. He just started building with them in the last few weeks. He recognizes pictures of family too. Today at church, he kept saying, "Zoey, Zoey, Zoey..." over and over. I guess he misses her. We'll have to invite her over to play one day.  Isaiah is an entertainer. He loves to try to make people laugh. He's good at it too.  Well, Matt, we love you.  And hope you are having a good day today.  Come home to us soon!  XOXO

Your Wife and Son.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Five Minute Craft.

So, I found this super cool summer craft/pool toy idea. It takes 5 minutes. Seriously. And the kiddos in your life are sure to enjoy it!  Also works as a decoration for parties.  So, here goes my first tutorial:

Step 1:  Get yourself some sponges. I found mine at the dollar store... 4/$1.  You will need three sponges for one ball.  Therefore, I have enough to make two.  That's only .50 cents each!  Cheap enough.

Step 2: Cut each sponge in half lengthwise right down the center. Then, cut each half in half. So, you should cut four pieces from one sponge.  Like this:

Cut in half once...

And cut each piece in half again.
Step 3: You need twelve strips for one ball, so keep cutting.  Here are my sponge strips:

Step 4: Arrange your strips in a bundle of twelve in the color combination of your choice. 

Step 5:  Tie the bundle tightly together (right in the middle) using dental floss. Be sure to tie them tightly. I wrapped and knotted the floss around my stack a few times to be sure the pieces are securely in place.  Fluff your sponge into a ball. Add some water. And some kids. And, you have just made the pool a little more fun. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

See That Man?

See the man pictured above? That is none other than my husband. In five short days, we will be married three years!  And it has been the best three years of my life.  My husband is incredible. He is not in the U.S. at the moment, so I can blog about him all I want... He can't do anything about it!  When I first married my husband, the honeymoon was awesome. Then, we came home, and a week later, I wanted to go home!!!!  I wondered what in the world I got myself into.  Living with a man is a HUGE change.  You see, Matt and I are completely DIFFERENT.  I mean, completely.  We don't like the same t.v. shows. I read. He reads his Bible and magazines. I like to craft. He would rather go out to eat. I like coffee. He doesn't. He loves cars/trucks/anything with wheels. If it gets me from A to B, I could care less. He's male. I'm female. We don't even think the same.  With all that said, he is more than I had ever hoped for. 

I love him because he is different than me. I love him because he is a man. Because he goes on hunting trips in the middle of Alaska, without showers, internet, or cell phones.  I love him because he loves that! If you would have asked me if I like this at the beginning of our  marriage, I would have said, NO WAY. I wanted him to like the things I liked, do the things I liked to do. But, the bottom line is, that is not who he is.  But, God knows better than any of us, and he blessed me with a man's man. A man who could sit around in the same flannel shirt for 50 years and care less if that was the style. But, most importantly, God gave me a Christian man. A man with morals and values.  A man who is completely devoted to his wife and his family. A man who would do anything for you. A man who wouldn't leave my side when our son was born. Who was probably more stressed out about the delivery than I was. I am so thankful for my husband. Here's why:
  1. I can trust him.
  2. He has high moral standards.
  3. He loves me for who I am.
  4. I can wake him up at midnight and ask him to look at my latest sewing project.
  5. He encourages me in everything I do.
  6. He loves Isaiah, and he is a great father to our son.
  7. He is committed to our marriage.
  8. While he's not a romantic, I do get flowers and cards on occasion.
  9. He stands up for his family and his beliefs.
  10. He doesn't follow the crowd. He does what is right.
  11. He always compliments me.
  12. He is kind. Not only to his family, but to others as well.
  13. He makes me laugh.
  14. When he comes home from work, he doesn't seem to see all the toys on the floor, or the laundry that needs washed.  He sees me and hugs me before he does anything else. While, he is not here to do this now, I'm looking forward to this in the future!
  15. He treats me like I am the most important person in the world. He treats me like royalty.
I could go on and on. But, the bottom line is, I have a great husband.  I am so looking forward to the day he comes home from Afghanistan.  Now, God, please let me be the wife he deserves!