STEP 1: Plan your pages. I failed at this step. I planned a couple of pages, then I just had random ideas and began making unplanned pages.
STEP 2: Gather supplies. Ultimately, this step is pointless. I have made numerous trips to Wal-Mart and Michael's to get felt, material, thread, more felt...
STEP 3: Prepare yourself for late nights. With a baby on the crawling everywhere and getting into everything, plus the household chores, time with the husband, and other commitments, the only time I am able to work on this book is mainly at night when everyone (including the hubby) is sleeping! I make a decision to quit working after this page is finished, then I come up with another GREAT idea for a new page. And of course I MUST start on it or the idea will vanish...
STEP 4: Post pictures of your progress so you don't feel defeated. It is a major time commitment... So, here you go. This is what I have completed so far:
The stoplight signals velcro on and off. |
The shoe laces. Teaches how to tie a shoe. |
Road (will be equipped with a car)! |
Fall time. Leaves snap on and off and fit snuggly into the basket. |
Barnyard fun. The barn doors open to a pocket inside. Ultimately, I hope to get a few barnyard animal finger puppets to stick down in the pocket. |
that's gonna be really cute when it's done...and i love how it's interactive :)