Friday, September 12, 2014

1st Days

First days always seem to be tough. First day at a new job. First day at school. First time buying a house. Meeting someone for the first time. When we face "first days", many times we also face uncertainties. I don't like "not knowing". I want a plan. I want to know how my day is going to go! But, that's not life. Planning is great, but we still cannot control what happens with those plans. The uncertainty of life is a scary thing!

Today, Isaiah faced his own uncertainty (so did Mommy). It was his first day of school. He did wonderful. Because I am working in the same building, he did see me a couple of times, which made it difficult, but he still faced that new situation well! Watching your child grow up is terrifying. Watching Isaiah take his first step into his new classroom was bittersweet. Being thankful he is growing like he should, but still wanting to hold on is tough stuff.

To my own mother: How in the world did you do it THREE times? Watching all of your children take that first step into school, getting behind the wheel, supporting us when we moved out or moved away, and sitting through our wedding days? Wow.

Anyway, today was a good day. Isaiah started out really tired (check out that lazy picture). But eventually I was able to get a decent picture of little man on his first day of school. It was chilly (Isaiah's new word) enough to wear jeans!

After school, I asked if he liked it. His response? "No. I only liked some parts of school." I asked him what parts he liked about it. He responded: "the playground". Love that little guy! That's my favorite part of the school day too...

He is growing up! Love this little man so very much. And I absolutely loved how excited he was to see me after school today. I missed you today too, Little Buddy. Excited to spend the weekend with him. Working moms, you are absolutely awesome. Leaving those little ones practically every. single. day. Harder than you all make it seem! You are wonderful, and you are strong.

Love you Isaiah. Hope you have a great year of preschool. And hope it just keeps getting better and better.

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