Friday, July 8, 2011

When the Hubby's Away...

The Wife Will Play.
with her sewing maching of course...

So, Matt and I are currently separated... separated by distance that is!  While he's on the other side of the world, I find that in the evenings I have a lot of time on my hands.  After I put Isaiah to bed, I finish household chores, and then what?!  If I cannot keep my mind occupied, I find that I worry, worry, and worry some more.  And, I'm not exactly a worrier either!  But, with Matt half way around the world, worrisome thoughts are not distant!  So, to stay occupied, I've been sewing.  Here are some of my latest creations.  Excuse the poor picture quality, my digital camera battery isn't charged, so I had to use the digital video camera.  And while the video camera is great for, well... for videos, it doesn't take great pictures. 

Tote bags out of placemats?!  Why, yes! Super easy, and inexpensive.
You can purchase placemats at the Dollar Tree for $1.  Want the tutorial?
Find it here.

 I added embellishments to my placemat totes.  I also sewed a Bible verse on the back. What a great gift for someone too. 

The Market Tote.
This was an experiment. I found the directions here. She has some great tutorials on her blog. Anyway, I followed the directions, then made it my own.  This one is made out of two bandanas purchased at
Wal-Mart for $2.  Now that I know how to do it, I'm excited to try making this tote in bigger sizes with longer straps and added closures.

Ruffle Bumz...
So, this is actually a gift for my cousin, whom I will get to meet for the first time in a week.  She's already 8 months old, but her family lives in Maryland.  Anyway, I wanted to make her something, so I dressed up some onesies.  I put ruffles on the bums of them.  Aren't they cute?  Hope she likes them! 

 Zippered Pouch
Super easy once you've made a dozen!
Here is what I've made so far.  I have to get more supplies to make more!

I sewed different Bible verses on the inside linings of each pouch.  Cute huh?!

Want one?  They're $5.  I'll be adding these to my Etsy shop once my camera battery charges and I can take some better pictures!  Right now, all you'll find on my Etsy shop are key fobs. I have tons of those to choose from.  Interested?! Here's a picture:

So, that's what I do in my spare time!  But, I would much rather have my hubby home and spend my spare time with him.  We may even make things together!  Want to see what we've made in the past?

He's already 16 months old.  Guess we'd better make a new one!  Smiling yet?!  To all my blog readers: 
Have a Great Day!

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