Saturday, April 12, 2014


We started this adventure with ducklings. What was I thinking? That Isaiah would love them. Yep. And squeeze them. Yep. And they'd be really messy? Yep. They are incredibly cute and sweet. And lots of trouble!

Oh the cuteness!

Isaiah has named our ducklings Happy, Daffy and Tweet. Tweet is his favorite.

Spring time is such a blessing. Flowers. Trees. Green. New life. I love spring. The newness of spring is a gift. So often I do not take time to count my blessings, but as I look out my back door and see the field alive with living creatures: birds making their nests, deer grazing, trees blooming, yellow dandelions dotting the green grass, I cannot help but believe in a Creator, and how his gifts to me are so many. So much more than I deserve! How can everything be THIS perfect without creativity? It is simply amazing.

We took the ducklings to a patch of dandelions in the field so they could have some time outside foraging. They loved it. But as I watched them, I couldn't help but notice how they "just are". They don't try to be something they're not. Whether you hand raise them inside in a brooder or they are born in the wild, when you take these ducklings out to forage, they do. They don't question it. They just start foraging. And they enjoy it! They don't act like a puppy or a cat. They don't try to be a horse. They. just. are. They are baby ducks! How often do we try to act like something we aren't? Whether it is towards our Creator who created us for His glory. Maybe we ignore Him. Don't acknowledge him. Act like we (Christians) "know" our Bibles and never do anything "that bad".

We. just. aren't.

We are not who we are supposed to be. This is why we need Jesus, and why the epitome of the Christian faith revolves around the celebration of the crucifixion. We are in desperate need of a Savior who will save us from ourselves. From our sin. So that we can just be. We can be justified, sanctified and glorified through Him.

As a Christian, you are so blessed! Sometimes our blessings are incredibly difficult to see. Our glasses get fogged up. We can't see our blessings or gifts. Sometimes we need reminded. I do. And I am thankful that I was reminded yesterday with ducklings. God uses little things. And big things. And the arrival of new seasons.

Jesus, thank you for new life. For seasons and for my many blessings that I forget to count on a daily basis. Thank you for the cross. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your sacrifice so that I can just be. I can be justified, sanctified and one day glorified. And thank you for the opportunity to take some pictures of your blessings!

First thing little man did when he woke up!

He does so good with them! He holds them well
and can catch and pick them up quickly.

Some time outside.

so sweet...

Little man loves to give them kisses. I am loving the
eyes closing. Looks like he is really enjoying them!

Don't let him fool you. Even our manly man (Daddy) likes our new


Thursday, April 10, 2014


I haven't blogged in well over a year. And I have missed it! Spring is here! We have spent the last three days mostly outdoors exploring flowers, trees, birds, dirt, worms, ants... you name it. As the mom of a four-year-old boy and aunt (and babysitter) to a two-year-old toddler boy, my spring days are filled with dirt. And worms. And bugs. And mud pies. Today they were feeding ants during our "drive-way, picnic lunch". For the record, I have a serious fear of worms. I. HATE. THEM. Isaiah loves them. He is making me face my fears and move on. The only worms I can actually deal with must be contained in a small bowl and used as fish bait. Anyway, enjoy a picture story of our last three days enjoying this warm spring weather! Its nice to be blogging again (even if only three people read this blog, one of whom is my mom)...
Please note: That IS NOT my cat. She is our neighbor's cat. Apparently her owner left for work for the day and she was stuck out on the back balcony. The boys wanted her to jump down so they could play with her. I was thinking, she is not going to jump 15+ feet. But. she. did. Those kids were so excited. Let's just say she got lots of loving. She also likes to sneak over onto our porch sometimes. Hence the cat peeking picture. Happy Spring!