Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dear Matt,

We miss you so much.  And we cannot wait for you to come home! Isaiah is getting so big.  He looks just like his daddy (except for his blonde fuzz head-he gets that from mommy).  Words he says now include: Mommy, Mathew, Barb, Maw maw, Pappy, Papa, Dixie, Liberty, Jackie, Luke, Maggie, Maddie, hi, bye, cookie, Mason, baby, paci (pacifier), drink, juice, ball, play, fall, sit, stay, no (probably his favorite), go, church, Jesus, truck, teeth, nose, toes, walk, night-night, cracker, bath, moon, moo, ruff, dog, Sal-Sal (Sally), home, phone, spoon (sometimes), eat, and Daddy. I'm sure there are tons more words in his vocabulary, but either I can't think of them or can't understand them yet. One of his favorite things to do is to sing "Jesus Loves Me".  His rendition of this song goes something like this: "Jesus... Jeeeeesuuussss... Jesus... Jesus..." He also likes to pray. He says "amen" at the end of the prayer, or if you're praying too long, he says "amen" right in the middle.  We pray for you every morning. Mommy prays for you all the time.  Isaiah has also gotten into the habit of coming to get you to play with him. If I am washing dishes, he comes over to the sink and grabs my shirt and pulls me to the living room. At least he thinks he's pulling me. Really I am just following him because I love him so much!  He loves his work bench.  He hammers everything with his hammer. He also likes his blocks. He just started building with them in the last few weeks. He recognizes pictures of family too. Today at church, he kept saying, "Zoey, Zoey, Zoey..." over and over. I guess he misses her. We'll have to invite her over to play one day.  Isaiah is an entertainer. He loves to try to make people laugh. He's good at it too.  Well, Matt, we love you.  And hope you are having a good day today.  Come home to us soon!  XOXO

Your Wife and Son.

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