Monday, October 10, 2011

Do Away With Dieting.

So I recently read an article featuring a lady who wants to "do away with dieting".  Her argument was that we (women) should just maintain healthy lifestyles. And... I must agree.  You see, our society puts so much emphasize on tall, thin, blonde women. Well, I have the blonde thing goin' for me... but I will never be tall or thin. I will most likely shrink from my 5'1" frame and I'll probably never weigh less than 125 lbs. I will always have a few stretch marks and freckles. My hair is a mess (daily).  My fingernails chip. My toes are not perfectly manicured.  I have a little jiggle (which will most likely get worse in the future). I wear glasses. And I DO NOT look perfectly made-up after a workout.  I am usually a mess. I usually have food stains on my clothes (thanks Little Man), hair in a messy bun, outfits that don't quite match, and shoes that have full contact with the ground. In other words, I will never look like this (except in my mind):

However, I am a mother. I am a wife. And, most importantly I am God's daughter.  I don't know about your god, but my God has a sense of creativity. He thought I should look like Hannah.  He designed me to carry and nurse babies. He designed me to be a perfect fit for my hubby (who, I must say is the best husband ever).  My God is amazing. He created me the way HE wanted. So, why "diet" and try to look like something we're not? I'm guilty too. I want those abs (ain't gonna happen). And I've tried eating salads for an entire week... ugh. So, my fellow women... you are beautiful the way you are!  Most of us could stand to lose a few lbs. (myself included), but the bottom line is, we were not created to look like Barbie. Don't measure yourself to that standard. And, most likely, if I looked like Barbie, I wouldn't be able to run with my baby, or dance with him, or play outside. I would NEVER straddle a fourwheeler in the outfit above... yikes! And, Little Man loves riding the fourwheeler. Oh, couldn't you just see me trying to squat to pick up Little Man's pacifier?! Double yikes! Imagine that walking through the grocery store!  With that said, I'm sure the hubby would love for me to walk around THE HOUSE in that outfit!

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