Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The BIG Move.

Wow! Where has the time gone?! I haven't blogged in ages... Here is where the time has gone:
  • Matt got a job working in Texas.
  • He comes home from Afghanistan to take the job.
  • He heads to Texarkana in search of a place to live.
  • After days and days of searching, he finds this apartment complex.
  • Christmas comes and goes... (during which we were all sick...)
  • Week after Christmas = serious packing.  Thank you to my mom, brother Luke, most-likely-future-sister-in-law Jackie, and best friend Ashley for helping pack. And to the truck loaders: hubby Matt, brother Matthew, Ashley, Jackie, and my mom.  And a BIG thank you to the people who were praying for us and for this move.  God certainly blessed us during this time. We got everything packed, and He even gave Matt and I wonderful people who traveled all the way from Kentucky to Texarkana with us to help unload the truck and move us into the new apartment. 
  • Okay, so we make it to Texarkana, AR (we live on the Arkansas side of Texarkana), get moved in, and I am still trying to organize my apartment.  I am the person who will move a basket to 10 different locations until I find the perfect place for it.
  • In Texarkana, we have been looking for a church, driving around to find out where places are (i.e. library, grocery stores, banks...) Matt had some time to look for these places, but its all new to me, so Matt, Isaiah and I load up almost on a regular basis to learn where things are around here!
  • I have been so incredibly busy that I have failed to blog. 
  • I will blog more now that things have somewhat slowed down!

    1 comment:

    1. Praying for you! Was going to ask why you moved... now I know! Haha! :) Jess
