Thursday, August 9, 2012

Summer Time

So, I have NOT blogged in forever! Almost four months to be exact. Soooo very much has happened in that four months. First, to make a long story short, our little family has moved from Texarkana, AR to Albany, GA with the hubby's job. We are now close to my parents, and closer to Matt's family as well.  Oh yes, and we are 2.5 hours from the beach at the Florida panhandle.  But, it is really, really... I mean really hot and muggy here. We are just close enough to the beach to have that sticky ocean moisture, but we are far enough away that we unfortunately don't get that ocean breeze.  

Matt and I have been married four years today!
Little Man is growing up.  He is almost 2.5 years old. We took him to Myrtle Beach this past weekend.  He loves the ocean. Little Man also got his first pet. Its a baby guinea pig.  We have yet to decide on a name for him. 

Let me show you just how big my little man is getting. Before we went to the beach last weekend, Isaiah and I made some "Puppy Chow" or "Muddy Buddies" for a snack to take with us in the car.  If you aren't familiar with this snack, its basically a mixture of melted chocolate and peanut butter mixed with chex mix and coated in powdered sugar. It is soooo easy to make and yummy too!  You can find the recipe here.   

Isaiah is a great cook. He's always making me "coffee" and "icecream".  We had lots of fun making Muddy Buddies. He loved licking the spoon, cutting the butter, mixing the chocolate and peanut butter, and pushing the buttons on the microwave.  We did have a mess though! But totally worth it.

Here are a couple of snapshots from the beach. I kept forgetting my camera every single time we would go out to the beach!  Ugh! But, I did get a few at the hotel...

Isaiah and his cousin Brett making silly faces!

Isaiah is being silly! He started out with a Bible song, and ended up making up his own version of something! That's my little man!

Cousins! Isaiah is 2 years old and Brett is 4 years old...

So, in a very small nutshell, that is how my summer has been going! Despite the heat and the craziness of moving (six months after we moved to Texarkana), we have been having a wonderful summer.  Hope you had a great summer, too!  

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