Saturday, May 14, 2011

I never thought...

that I would get a call this morning from my husband who is half way around the world.

that a year would separate Matt and I...

not just a year, but thousands of miles of oceans and foreign lands...

that my life would be this crazy yet so wonderful! By that I mean: I would be gone for almost three weeks to help Matt prepare, and to prepare myself for his depature.  That my life would be non-stop... taking care of Isaiah, having my mom stay with me for a few weeks to get things done after Matt's departure, meeting new people at church, babysitting the most wonderful little girl in the world, patiently waiting for the birth of my new nephew Mason... the list goes on.

that I would be taking on both husband and wife duties.

that I would be living with my baby (not really, he's almost 20) brother.

that I would be waiting for 4 months... 4 months... 4 months... because that's when I get to see my hubby again.

I never once thought that I would even divide my life into intervals of 4 months!  But here I sit, trying to patiently wait for 4 months to get here so I can see my hubby. And this is just day one...

Life.  I never thought that this would be my life... But, God, however, is steadfast and unchanging. While my life is crazy, my Jesus is a stronghold.  I am thankful that Matt has had the opportunity to visit Germany this morning. I am thankful that He has given me such a wonderful husband and family who are always there for me.  God knew I needed them.  He knew I couldn't do this without them.  And, He has great plans for me... for us.   

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