Saturday, May 21, 2011

What if I'm Right?

what if there is a God?

and He created the entire universe, including you...

what if He established a people group? a group that would continue to disobey Him. a group that would find His matchless grace.  a group He calls His people.  a group that He came to ransom.

what if every sacrifice made by the Jews of the Old Testament pointed to the ultimate sacrifice? a sacrifice for you and me.  a sacrifice that would cost someone His life.

what if there is a love?

a love that knows no bounds. a love that is unconditional. true. pure. without blemish. without fault. 

what if all this talk of sacrifice, love and grace is just what we need?  what if this is our ticket to eternal life with our Father?  what if the Creator of the Universe wants you?  And what if He wants you now?

Isn't it much more wonderful to be wanted than to be needed?  Isn't it awesome to know we are not a burden to the one true God? Isn't it awesome to know we do not have to earn His favor?  He freely gives it. We just have to believe. 

And what if I'm right?

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