Saturday, December 4, 2010


So, I'm all the rave about coupons these days. Mainly because I saved like $25.00 a while back on groceries. Since then, I only buy things I that need without coupons... maybe that's an exaggeration, but still, coupons will save you money and I highly recommend taking your time to cut them out of the Sunday paper or sale ads throughout the week.  I cut out almost every coupon... even that 15% off your purchase of $100 or more at Home Depot. First, I rarely spend $100 in one store unless I'm buying groceries. Actually, I rarely spend $100 period.  And I'm definitely not going to be using the $100 at Home Depot.  That is, until something in the house breaks!  And guess what, if I cut out that coupon, I just saved 15%.  Anyway, this post is more or less dedicated to my father, Ed Hamlin, aka "Coupon King". 

For Example:
 Dad:  Where do you guys want to eat at tonight?
Family:  Mr. Gatti's... maybe Chick-Fil-A. (other ideas include: Chinese, Los Nopales, Steak and Shake...)
Dad:  Well, I have coupons for Taco Bell.
(Inevitably, we end up eating at Taco Bell.  And, everyone must order something on the menu that Dad has coupons for)

So, here you go Dad...

I am going shopping today. And yes, I will be using these coupons.  Pictures of what I find will be posted later!   

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