Thursday, December 2, 2010

thoughts from facebook.

Prior to becoming a blogger, I posted notes on facebook. I didn't post many notes because, well, its facebook! And because I am now a blogger, I thought I would transfer my thoughts from facebook to my new blog...

stay at home moms...

I often hear people talk as if staying at home with your children isn't a "real" job. Then I had this random thought: while we go to work, we leave our children with people who have a "real" job.  And, here's a news flash:  they are watching our children! Whether we leave them with a sitter or at a daycare, these people work hard to care for our children while we work.  Yet, if a mom chooses to stay home with her children, she seems to be criticized for that decision... because she is not "working"?!  Please... explain.  And do not talk down to moms who stay home.  My mom stayed at home with my brothers and I.  And not for one second should she regret it.  I have so many great memories of coming home from school to my mama.  She is an amazing person.  She never "just stayed at home with her kids."  To all the moms out there-working or not-you are awesome.  Children are a blessing.

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