Monday, March 7, 2011

To the Moon and Back Again...

but not really.  I really went to Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge this weekend (along with baby and hubby).  And, overall, it was a good time.  However, I must say that a teething, fussy baby can put a damper on trips such as these.  I love little man dearly, but sometimes he's just not a pleasant kid.  First, we got stuck in traffic for an hour and a half!  And what do you supposed Isaiah was doing?! Yes, crying the entire time.  By the time we got to our exit, I was ready to get out, put Isaiah in a stroller, and walk the rest of the way to our destination.  But, I resisted the temptation. 

Then, I believe a combination of being stuck in a car seat, getting six teeth (yep, all at once), being out of his normal routine, and being out of his normal environment, made baby Isaiah extremely irritable about everything... Yes, he cried when we ate at IHOP upon first arriving there.  He cried the entire way to our cabin.  And, he fussed in the cabin until mama and Isaiah got into the jacuzzi.  He loved that part of our trip!  Needless to say, he slept well (between mommy and daddy) because he wouldn't sleep in his pack and play.  But, he did sleep all night, and he was a happy baby first thing in the morning.

Saturday:  Happy baby.  We took this happy baby downtown to walk around.  He, for the most part, loves riding in his stroller.  But, not Saturday.  He was content for a while, but then mama had to carry him for most of our walk. Yep, pretty sure I lost 5 lbs. in one day.  However, it was fun walking around downtown and sharing that with my hubby and visiting with his mom and Jimmy (step-dad). 

Saturday approx. 1:00 p.m.:  Terrible lunch.  Okay, so we get through walking downtown, load sleeping (finally) baby up, and head out to find a place to eat lunch. We decided on this place called Apple Barn.  I heard about it from my parents who ate there.  And it is a super nice place to eat. Its really cute. There are gift shops, a little orchard, and a creek in one location.  So, you eat lunch at this super cute, old timey little restaurant and then walk around.  Really nice.  Nice, that is, if you don't have a screaming child to deal with.  All that riding must have caused some pooping problems with little man.  And he just cried and cried and cried. Plus, he is getting teeth, so he wouldn't eat anything.  Needless to say, Isaiah and I enjoyed the restaurant from its front porch rocking chairs. 

Saturday post Apple Barn:  Go-carts for Matt and Jimmy.  Go back to cabin.  Isaiah and I took a nap.  Wake up and head out for dinner.  Little Man was loud during dinner.  BUT he ate!  And he seemed happy. He didn't cry. 

Sunday morning:  Breakfast=success.  Baby loved the food (pancakes and bananas).  He was only fussy a couple of times.  Then, t-shirt shopping.  Still good.  Traveling home: cried once.

I love my little man.  We had a good time overall. A good visit with Matt's family without having to travel 8 hours.  And, we discovered a new route to the Gatlinburg area that will only take 4.5 hours.  Plus, I got a couple of good pictures.  We (hubby, baby and myself) tried to have one taken of the three of us, but the camera-operator was terrible and the picture turned out blurry. Thanks fellow tourist for not taking a good picture of the three of us. 

Isaiah couldn't ride the sky lift... so we had fun while Matt's family went...
Daddy and Isaiah. 
Mommy and Isaiah.
Matt's mom and Jimmy on the sky lift. Proof that she actually rode it.
All of us.  I don't know what I was looking at, but everyone else is looking
at the camera.  Tourists aren't the best a picture-taking. 

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