Monday, January 10, 2011


Lately, I'd say in the past few months, I have found myself being convicted of, what I like to call "belittling".  Its an extremely sad and depressing situation when we begin belittling others... especially other believers.  We will be spending an eternity with these people...  

I have seen this term in marriage books.  I have noticed it in conflict resolutions.  And, in both areas, ultimately, we are NOT supposed to belittle others.  Our goal is not to make people feel like they are less of a person, less of a Christian, or like an idiot because they don't know something.  Looking back, I have laughed when someone didn't know something, I have talked down to people like they are stupid, I have called people names, I have treated people wrongly... And all in the name of myself.  It is all about me.  Isn't that what God teaches?!  Yeah right!  He teaches us that it is all about Him!  Here's the thing, it is only by God's grace that I understand scripture, that I can learn, that I can read.  Who are we to put down people who aren't "as smart as we are"?  We are nothing.  We are a mist.  James 4:14 says:

"Why, you do not even know what whill happen tomorrow.  What is your life?  You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."  
So,  in my convictions, I came across a verse from Philippians. 
Philippians 2:3-4 says "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourself. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others." 
I could have used the "encourage one another" scripture, but I felt this was even more poweful in this situation.  Here's the thing, when we laugh at someone because they don't know who someone famous is, when we laugh at them because they said a word wrong, when they mispell something, when they misread scripture, when they take God's word out of context... When we put them down because they don't always read the Bible, because they believe something a little differently than we do... we do all this in our names; for ourselves.  I have been around people (and am guilty of this myself) who treat people who say the wrong thing, don't know something, or are simply just "different" by laughing at their expense (but by the grace of God go I)! You see, "these imperfect people" only know what they are taught.  They don't know much about the world.  By the grace of God, I grew up in a loving home.  A home that taught God's word.  A home that teaches accurate interpretations of His word.  I grew up in a home with parents who helped me learn about the world, about life, and simple things such as how to spell a word.  Not everyone has that luxury.  As I said, "but by the grace of God go I!"    When we belittle others, we are not doing it out of their interest, but our own.

My conclusion is this:  let's look to the interests of others.  Let us treat others with love.  Let us lavish love on them so much, they can't even blink without feeling the love we have for them.  Let's not laugh when someone doesn't know something.  Let's teach them out of love.  Let's not make fun of the person who says something we don't agree with.  Let's love that person!  And, finally, let's not belittle people... period.

It. Is. About. God.  Not. Us.

1 comment:

  1. I have been guilty of this just yesterday and talked to God about it today before reading this...I'll shoot you a Facebook message!
