Wednesday, January 12, 2011

what does it mean...

What does it mean to be a momma?  It means my daily schedule is controlled by a certain someone I like to call Isaiah! I had these terrible misconceptions about what motherhood would be like.  My baby would sit comfortably in his exersaucer so I could get a shower and fix my hair.  Then, I'd throw on some make-up and dress myself in clothes that are semi-nice (think jeans and a somewhat nice shirt).  All the while Isaiah would be smiling!  I knew it would be a lot of work.  I knew that I would have sleepless nights.  I knew there'd be diaper blowouts.  Crying fits.  Sickness.  Messes.  I knew it.  But, I didn't comprehend it.  Because, Isaiah cries when I dissappear into the shower.  He rarely sleeps through the night.  He sometimes wakes up because his diaper is completely wet.  Not just the diaper either.  The onesie. The sleeper. And the crib sheets.  So, at 3 a.m. this momma is changing diapers, changing outfits, and changing crib sheets.  Then, because Isaiah is now awake, we drag ourselves to the kitchen to make a bottle.  Finally, after full belly, clean sheets, and dry baby, Isaiah drifts off to sleep at 4 a.m.  Husband's alarm goes off at 5:45 a.m.  I could write story after story about the misconceptions I had about motherhood.  But, at the end of the day, it is completely worth it.

Even if my laundry is scattered from one end of the living room to the other.  Even if, it takes me 3 hours to fold two baskets of laundry.  And there are two huge baskets of laundry  because Isaiah only slept for 30 minutes so I couldn't get the other one folded before it was time to eat!  But... like I said... It is completely, totally, utterly, worth ALL of it.

I found this blog while researching some craft tutorials.  While reading this blog, I came across a blog titled "Now That's Motherhood" and it made me think of my own mom.  It also made me cry.  Yes, I was crying.  This momma thing is very personal.  It also made me think.  How true is it that as women, God designed us for motherhood.  The great thing is, we don't have to have our own children to be a momma!  Mommas come in all shapes and sizes.  They care for, raise, and love children of all ages (whether biological or not).  They are God's gift to every one of us.

I know a momma who postponed her bone marrow transplant so she could attend her son's Senior Night at college. This momma knows how important it is to "be there" for her children. Four kids and thousands of games, meets, recitals, and ceremonies later--this momma's kids know that there is no where she would rather be, than with them, in sickness and in health.
Now that's Motherhood
I know a momma who has never carried a child of her own and has no one who call's her Mom, yet she is like a momma to many. Many lucky kids have been influenced by her example, have been cheered on by her whistles on the sidelines, have been embraced in her loving arms, have been blessed to have her in their lives. Nearly all of us have that one person in our lives that we consider to be "like a mother to us"--and for so many, she is that momma.
Now that's Motherhood
I know a momma who is blessed to be very financially secure. And while it would be easy and affordable for her to delegate many of her mommy-duties to others, she doesn't. Her kids put away their own laundry and say please and thank you. Her kids no the meaning of hard work. Her kids spend time with her daily and smile as she cheers them on at every event in their life. Her kids know how much they are loved and that everything their mom does is to make their life better.

Now that's Motherhood
I know a momma who has not had a full night's sleep in over 25 years. This momma spends her nights {and her days} nursing and caring for infants born with addictions. She welcomes these babies and their special needs into her home with an open heart, and provides them with the nurturing care and compassion they deserve.

Now that's Motherhood
I know a momma who rescued her daughter from an orphanage, brought her into a happy and healthy home and has raised her into a beautiful young woman. She is a mother, a best friend, a confidant, a supporter and an example to her daughter.
Now that's Motherhood
I know a momma whose daughter is all grown up with a baby of her own now. Yet this momma still talks to her daughter on the phone every day, still plays with her hair while they watch a favorite movie on the couch, still rubs her head when she is feeling sick and still encourages her through every step of life.

1 comment:

  1. What a great blog Hannah. I love you, you are a great daughter and a great mom. I am so proud of you!!!
