Monday, January 17, 2011

Possibly the Best Tool Ever!

So, my husband and I ventured to Hobby Lobby on Saturday hunting for supplies for Isaiah's quiet book as well as supplies for some invitations for Little Man's birthday, which we will be celebrating February 19th.  Anyway, while there, I found a corner trimming tool on sale.  I'm not sure of the actual name of the tool, but I just had to have it.  It was relatively inexpensive, so I purchased it. 

I was working on Isaiah's invites and decided to test my new tool out. I thought his invitations would look good with rounded corners.  And this it what the new tool can accomplish...


 Needless to say, I am really liking this new tool.  It was well worth purchasing. And, the most important part of this post.  My Little Man. 

"Hi, Isaiah".  You are 10 1/2 months old now.  Almost 11 months!

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